Division Directors
Brian Schmuland - Junior Rally Cap 306-535-7089 brianschmuland@gmail.com
Kim Krywulak - Senior Rally Cap 306-539-4156 kkrywulak@sasktel.net
The objective of this division is to introduce the game of baseball to young players while making it safe, interesting and fun. This means that there are some different rules compared to traditional baseball rules to increase development, fun and safety.
All players require their own batting helmet and glove.
**** Please remember that the Regina ball parks you play in are run by volunteer boards. Whatever park is your “home” park, be a willing participant there - if you can hold a hammer, pick up garbage, weed or use a paintbrush, you can play a vital role at the park. Check at the clubhouse to offer your assistance.
Please see our Operating Rules (Rally Cap) for a full listing of rules, but some important highlights are:
Rally Cap allows for great flexibility in placement. Typically ages are from 5 to 8 but can be as old as 9 or as young as 4 upon approval (ages as of Dec 31 of current year). The typical progression is 2 years of Junior Rally Cap and 2 years of Senior Rally Cap. .
Senior Rally Cap is generally ages 7* and 8*, provided there has already been involvement in Rally Cap (or similar program). Children those ages not having been part of organized ball before are allowed to play Junior Rally Cap. Players who are 9* are able to play 11U Division or Rally Cap. If they have 2 or less years of Rally Cap (or a similar program ) their development may benefit from staying in Rally Cap.
Games are twice a week and usually played on Mondays and Wednesdays 6:00 to 8:00 pm and we are looking at adding Fridays as well. The Season normally starts May 1 and ends before June 30.
Senior Rally Cap diamonds in Regina are at 4 locations - Columbus Park (south), Lions Park (north), Pacer Park (east), and Theresa Stevenson (northwest). In 2023, there was some travel to Pense, Lumsden, and Regina Beach.
Junior Rally Cap is generally 5* and 6*. Children who are 4* may be allowed to play with Division Director’s approval and if parent/guardian is willing to be part of coaching staff. Children who are 6* but have played Junior for 2 years can play Senior if desired.
Every year Baseball Regina hosts a skills development Rally Cap Camp towards the end of March as a kick off for the upcoming season and to give children new to baseball a chance to see what its all about. Please note that for 2021 due to Sask Health restrictions, the skills development Rally Cap Camp may not be able to take place.
Please feel free to contact the Division Director to discuss the possibilities for your child’s involvement in the Rally Cap Program and an introduction into the game of baseball!
Games are twice a week and played Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:00 to 8:00 pm. The Season normally starts May 1 and ends before June 30.
Junior Rally Cap diamonds in Regina are at 3 locations - Lions Park (north), Pacer Park (east) and Columbus Park (south)
Junior Rally Cap Program Format
Incorporating the Baseball Canada Rally Cap Program
Ages: 5 and 6 as of December 31 of current year (4 with Division Director’s approval and parent/guardian coaching).
Number of Coaches: 1 or 2 along with 1-2 parent helpers.
Games are played Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Players’ first experiences in baseball should be filled with active and engaging activities that are developmentally appropriate for their age. The Baseball Canada Rally Cap program introduces the game to children while developing skill in fun and entertaining manner. Three teams come to the baseball park for a 90 minute practice/game. The first 15 minutes is to organize and perform a skill warm-up with their coaches. When the official game begins - Team A and B will play a 20 minute game while Team C will be in the outfield with their coaches practicing hitting, fielding, running and throwing. Teams rotate taking 10 minutes to reorganize with Team B and C playing a 20 minute game and A practicing in outfield. Final rotation occurs for Team A to play C and B practices. Coaches will be provided with activity cards that they can use in the outfield for practice ideas.
The Rally Cap Program is Baseball Canada’s official initiation program. It was designed specifically for young baseball players and aims to increase interest in baseball at young ages. Players will demonstrate their skill level early in the season following Baseball Canada’s Rally Cap report card. Saskatchewan Baseball Association will designate a Rally Cap week in late June for players to achieve their Baseball Canada Rally Cap Cap by demonstrating their skills once again.. There are different coloured Baseball Canada Caps that players will earn according to baseball skill levels. Baseball Regina’s Rally Cap Director(s) will assist in organizing the Rally Cap events.
General Rules: